What I'm about

Profile picture

I am a data leader with a passion for solving hard, real-world problems at the nexus of mathematics, data, software, people, and process. My goal is to accelerate climate change solutions using my expertise in building and managing data-driven products. If you are are working on a product that drives renewable energy deployment or electrification, I want to help you be wildly successful. Let’s work together!

The outcomes matter more to me than the job title

To achieve the results I care about, I’ve taken on a wide variety of roles and figured out how to be successful. In recent years, I’ve been a:

  • Hands-on ML Engineer: Enabling my client to build and deploy better models more efficiently, transparently, and reproducibly using a range of open-source technologies
  • Data Science team leader: Hired and led the data science team for the carbon accounting engine at Persefoni
  • AI Governance Leader: I was a trusted partner for executives seeking business alignment and regulatory compliance for white space AI initiatives from chatbots to cybersecurity. I helped them balance autonomy and accountability for their data science teams through independent model validation and risk management.
  • Data Science Product Owner: I refined and prioritized the product roadmap for Capital One’s enterprise ML platforms, balancing the needs of data scientists, engineers, and business leaders to deliver strategic value.

Other formative experiences…

  • 🌊 Knowing things I can’t unknow about the cost of burning fossil fuels through PhD research on wave problems in climate models
  • 📉 First job: modeling mortage backed securities at Citigroup during the 2008 financial crisis
  • 🐘 Big Data at Bundle.com: minining insights for everyday consumers from credit card transaction data
  • 💳 Digital transformation and data science modernization at Capital One’s Innovation Lab
  • 🌍 Serving my community as a board member of Sustainable Milton, chair of the Milton Climate Action Planning committee, and a tenor in the FCC Milton choir