
What's a DAG and why do Data Scientists need them?

One of the themes that has motivated my career is helping Data Scientists be more productive by adopting best practices from software engineering. Data Scientists are often professional-quality data analysts with self-taught programming skills. They’re smart enough to create a lot of complexity without always having the training to manage it efficiently. “DAGs” are a key tool that should be in every Data Science Team’s toolbox. My cautionary tale Not in the mood for a motivating personal story?

Fossil Fuel Divestment

Does it really make sense to divest from Fossil Fuel companies? The NY Times recently ran an article about the growing role of mothers in the climate movement, “A growing force in the climate movement: Moms”. It’s great that mothers are standing up to advocate for the planet and their children’s futures. However, one of the protests described in the article struck me as an example of how a “common sense” approach to climate activism can do more harm than good.